Treat Love Ones. Treasure the Savour of Asia

Eu Yan Sang

Essence of Chicken Gingko Biloba Extract 70ml X 6's 余仁生银杏叶鸡精

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Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken Gingko Biloba Extract 70ml X 6's余仁生银杏叶鸡精

Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken with Ginkgo Biloba Extract is extracted from selected fresh premium graded chicken infused with the essence of traditional Chinese herbs Ginkgo Biloba. It does not contain artificial colourings, flavourings, caramel, or preservatives.

余仁生自1897年,為世世代代的民眾提供中藥。如今已發展為 亞洲家喻戶曉備受信賴的百年優質品牌。



為甚麼選擇余仁生銀杏葉雞精? 余仁生銀杏葉雞精以上等新鮮雞肉,加上銀杏葉提取的精口精製而成。不含任何人工色素、香精、焦糖及防腐劑。




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